The Baha’i International Community is an international non-governmental organization with affiliates in over 180 countries, which together represent over 5 million members of the Baha’i Faith. Its engagement with the United Nations dates back to the founding conference of the UN and its predecessor, the League of Nations. As an organization in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and with UNICEF, it collaborates with the UN and its specialized agencies, as well as member states, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations. The Baha’i International Community recently opened a Brussels office which operates at the European level and seeks to engage with institutions and agencies of the European Union, the Council of Europe, civil society and other relevant organizations.

The Bahá’í International Community strives to facilitate and contribute to a discourse on the role religion must play in promoting the advancement of society. Its work is premised on the following: that no serious attempt to set human affairs aright can ignore religion; that if religion is to play a constructive role in society, the very concept of religion must be re-examined; that the establishment of a peaceful and just society will require constructive discussions across a wide range of worldviews and beliefs; and that for humanity to prosper, it must achieve much greater coherence between the spiritual and material dimensions of human life. In this vein, it engages in activities that promote freedom of religion or belief.

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